Academic Enrichment

Academic Enrichment & Tutoring: Math, Reading, Science and Homework Help.

Build confidence and gain an academic advantage! Zaniac offers a variety of enrichment programs, tutoring in core subjects and homework help!

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  • Academic Enrichment

    Academic Enrichment Courses!

    Zaniac Courses Features:
    • Classes meet 90 minutes once a week for six weeks
    • Low student to instructor ratio of 5:1 for an exceptional experience
    • Personal progress emails after every class from your instructor
    • Peer-based instruction and learn in a fun atmosphere with friends

    Zane Math (Grades K-8)

    At Zaniac, we believe that all children can learn and become excited about math in the right environment. We build on the great work teachers do in the classroom to support your child where she or he needs it most. With Zane Math, your student will experience a world-class curriculum coordinated with what she or he is studying in school. This makes it easy to extend the lessons learned at Zaniac to the classroom. In fact, the backbone of Zane Math is custom software that allows Zaniac to create a program to best fit your child’s needs.

    Students begin with an assessment to identify the concepts they already know and determine where your child’s learning will begin. We customize your child’s curriculum with our 12,000 problem database. Each concept ends with a milestone demonstrating concept mastery and showing weekly improvement.

    Zane Reading (Grades 3-8)

    Working with a trained Zaniac instructor, students use an online, interactive science-based reading program called Readorium. This award-winning program provides a deep and personalized learning experience for each child. Highly motivating and engaging, this program is automatic and intuitive, based on a child’s reading comprehension level. A digital librarian explains the program, and kids are taught how to think strategically as they read science books with text and support systems that continually adjust to their individual levels. Readorium students earn dollars, medals, and tokens to view cool science-based digital magazines and videos, and to play comprehension and reading strategy games. Students gain subject-matter expertise, improved reading skills, and an expanded vocabulary. Readorium gets kids to interact with the whole book.

    Zane Science (Grades K-8)

    A love for STEAM begins with Science! Let’s explore and discover like a scientist. Our robust Science curriculum at Zaniac is full of team-building challenges, experiments, fun projects and technology activities. Choose your child’s first adventure—Earth Science or Space! Each is a separate six-week program.

    Earth Science

    Understand water cycles and the impact of the weather. Surviving the fury of mother nature can be a challenge. Learn what a meteorologist looks at to determine our weather. Explore our twisting, shaking, moving Earth as we understand the power tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanoes. Can you construct a home that will withstand the fury of mother nature? Let’s look at the effects our actions have on our changing climate.

    Space Science

    Do you have what it takes to be an astronaut? Join us as we explore space through the eyes of an astronaut. Let’s learn more about the planets, moods, stars and space technology. Journey with us as we travel through our solar system and participate in real astronaut-training activities, including living in space. Explore the technologies that space scientists and astronauts use, including lunar rovers and robotic arms. Using what you have learned in this class, will you be able to survive in space?

    Homework Help (Grades K-8)

    At Zaniac, we understand what a difference a little bit of extra attention can make in children’s confidence in school. Our talented and trained instructors are available each day after school and Saturdays to help your student with homework. Zaniac offers a safe and fun environment for your child to receive extra attention and guidance on subjects he or she is studying in school. Help is available in all K-8 subjects. Reserve your Homework Help hours by calling us. Watch your child gain confidence in the classroom!

    Chess (Grades K-8)

    Chess Instruction helps your child develop skills in strategic thinking which are critical to success. Studies have long shown the benefits of playing chess include developing higher order thinking skills, enhancing creativity, and improving memory, all giving your child a leg up at school. Chess is also designed to be self-motivating and teach consequences to develop individual responsibility.

    Touch Typing (Grades K-8)

    Children today need to be able to type effectively to succeed in doing schoolwork, taking tests, and engaging in just about every aspect of today’s technology driven world. Zaniac’s Touch Typing classes help your child increase typing proficiency so she or he can more easily achieve success in school.